"What is that best attitude that gives the most meaning to your life? It is living with compassion, for the benefit of others." - Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Tibetan Buddhist Monk
stories of service
About Baners
"Never Doubt"
"Love Thy Neighbor"
"Summer Grutz Games"
Award Winner
Who said reality isn't funny?
"Mission Improbable"
Disorganized crime at its worst
On the lighter side . . .
NEVER DOUBT, the inspiring story of the rebirth of the SMART Ride (Southern Most AIDS Ride) from Miami to Key West and the man who did what no one else could to make it happen. Produced in conjunction with Urban Films, a subsidiary of the Urban League of Broward County. Production completed in January, 2005. Release summer 2005. Original music by George Martinez   www.skinnymusic.net
"Urban Sins"
What's REALLY going on at that Urban League?
2005 (c) by Baners Productions. All rights reseved.
Ride Director, Glen Weinzimer addressing the riders and crew in Key West
Tom Griffith of StraightAwayMovies packing the Canon 
Riders on parade throuigh downtown Key West
Director Gary Zamis being stalked by a chicken
Videographer Veronica Betancourt
See the Never Doubt page for more information, production stills and trailer
Flag bearer, Uli Schackmann
Keith demonstrating his riding technique for Gabe

Contact Information:
Baners Productions
New Screening Dates:
    Southenrmost Film Festival, Key West, Florida
    April 14 - 16, 2006
color test